Darksoft Ultra Cps3 simms
€549,00 IVA inclusa
The new Ultra Simms are finally here!
No more long loading times. No more painful waits switching games. The CPSIII Ultra Simm has 8 times the capacity of a regular SIMM, so you can load up to 8 different games.
To program the SIMMS, two adapter boards compatible with TL86_PLUS aka PROMAN are included with this purchase.
In order to program the memory modules, you would need the TL86_PLUS programmer (aka PROMAN). This programmer USUALLY costs about $85 and is easily available from China using AliExpress or possibly ebay. Programmer is not included.
Notice that the pinout of each SIMM is different –
64Mb Simms have 2 flash chips and must be programmed with the adapter that has a switch and the text “Adapter SIMM 512 (TL86)”
128Mb Simms have 1 flash chip and must be programmed with the adapter that has no swich and the text “Adapter SIMM 1G (TL86)”
The programming process is very simple and take approx. 3 minutes per SIMM.
Once installed, you can easily switch between games with just a dip switch of 3 positions.
Please Note – you will need to power cycle.
Just an example of a configuration would be like this (other combinations are possible) –
111 SF3NG
110 Warzard
101 2nd_Impact
100 Jojo
011 JojoBizarre
010 SF3_3rd_1
001 SF3_3rd_2
000 SF3_3rd_4thStrike
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